To foster a gracious Singapore, the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) aims to encourage the individual to internalise courtesy, kindness, and consideration.

This year, the Friend of Singa (FOS) projects will concentrate on three key areas: CyberKindness, Neighbourliness, and Inclusivity. We encourage project proposals to focus on any one of these specific themes. It is essential for each submission to engage with the chosen area, demonstrating a thorough understanding and innovative approach. Proposals that successfully integrate and explore their selected theme will be considered for acceptance. This focused approach is designed to ensure a holistic development of kindness values, responding directly to contemporary challenges and opportunities. By concentrating on these specific themes, we aim to reflect the diverse aspects of gracious living in our community.

For the Friend of Singa (FOS) projects, you may choose at least one of these three focus areas. The three themes for FOS are CyberKindness, neighbourliness and inclusivity.

  1. CyberKindness/Online Graciousness: In today’s digital space, much emphasis has been placed on the use of being a safe and responsible netizen. SKM aspires to encourage netizens to promote gracious behaviour in the digital world through CyberKindness, positive peer influence, and be an ‘Upstander’, not a bystander. This would include emphasising respectful communication, considerate behaviour and positive engagement in digital platforms.

  2. Neighbourliness: Promoting norms of greater neighbourly interactions in our neighbourhoods and pro-social behavior includes small acts of kindness like greeting your neighbour, being considerate and observing the quiet hours (10pm – 7am) and celebrating festivities together to foster the kampung spirit. Gracious living also includes nurturing a culture of trust and openness, strengthening multi-racialism and social cohesion, bridging gaps between communities, both citizens and non-citizens in our community.

  3. Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive society that values and respects all people irrespective of differences, where it means not being excluded from everyday life. By providing social connection, strengthening bonding and creating a community that allows everyone to be treated graciously, values such as compassion, empathy, respect, patience and consideration can be inculcated. This helps to ensure that shared spaces are accessible and welcoming to all members of the community, promoting fairness and equality.

  4. Silver Wellness promotes kindness, empathy, and respect towards senior citizens, encouraging intergenerational bonding. It aims to build strong, supportive relationships between young and old, enhancing the well-being of older adults through compassion, understanding, and shared experiences within communities.