About FOS

Introduced in 1990, the Friend of Singa (FOS) programme began with the purpose of cultivating desirable behaviours and values in students. FOS Secondary programme is a year-long programme that is open to secondary, special education schools, madrasahs, and international schools.

FOS started out in schools to cultivate desirable values and qualities in students and to champion kindness in the school community. Students from participating schools are tasked to identify issues and they must implement a kindness campaign on campus to promote kindness within their school and community. It is intended that at the end of the campaign, participants will recognize the importance of their role in informing and encouraging desired behaviours; therefore making a difference.

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FOS Programme Timeline

Project period: April - August


FOS Registration:
(1 - 15 February 2025)

Register your interest to start a kindness campaign in your school. By registration, your school indicates their commitment to deliver at least one kindness campaign (maximum three) to be recognised as a FOS School at the Kindness Awards Ceremony.

Each school can gather up to three groups of students (with no capacity limit per group) to run their Kindness Campaign(s).

28 February

Optional Workshop

Schools are encouraged to enroll in the 3-hr 100% subsidized student workshop on campaign fundame

  1. CyberKindness

  2. Neighbourliness

  3. Inclusion

  4. Silver wellness *New*

April - August

Campaign Implementation
(April - August 2025)

Upon approval of proposals, students and teachers may embark on their campaigns between April to August.

Campaigns should:

  • Seek to address the chosen kindness theme and seek to make an impact on graciousness in school (advisable to be school wide).

  • Be well documented with photos and videos.

  • Strive to be cost efficient and sustainable.

29 August

Report and Claims Submission
(By 29 August 2025)

Reports and claims are to be uploaded via the school's unique OneDrive link, which will be shared with teachers during registration.
*Teachers are welcome to submit reports earlier than the stipulated date.
**Late submissions will not be considered.

January 2026

Kindness Awards Ceremony
(January 2026)

All participating students, teachers and schools in the FOS Secondary programme will be recognised during the Kindness Awards Ceremony 2026. See your school's kindness project(s) featured in our Kindness Awards Ceremony video, which will be released in January 2026. Your school will be invited to hold your own Kindness Awards Ceremony in January 2026!

Featured Projects